

Friday, August 5, 2011

How to change Command Prompt Windows startup?

Have you ever seen such kaht tools, nmap, netcat, snort, metasploit framework, tcpdump, john the ripper, ettercap and tools-based command line stuff?

Certainly no stranger if you're using these tools. More ...

Here is a brief tutorial how do we change the title from the command prompt windows by default like this:
Click to enlarge image

So what if we created looks like this:

Click to enlarge image

The first step:

Open Notepad

Then type the following script or you can copy and paste the following script:

@echo off

title root@Aut0Nux:_


color 0a

echo __________________________________________________________________________

echo       o                 o8     ooooooo  oooo   oooo                       

echo      888   oooo  oooo o888oo o888  o888o 8888o  88 oooo  oooo  oooo   oooo

echo     8  88   888   888  888   888  8  888 88 888o88  888   888    888o888  

echo    8oooo88  888   888  888   888o8  o888 88   8888  888   888    o88 88o  

echo  o88o  o888o 888o88 8o  888o   88ooo88  o88o    88   888o88 8o o88o   o88o

echo __________________________________________________________________________

echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------

echo                                Hello %username%, WElc0me to jungle .. :)

echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------

cd \
A little explanation of the script above

@ echo off: Does not display the command / echo command when the file is executed or run

cls: Clear screen means cleaning the screen

title: Title, in order to change the title above the Title ie from a command prompt.

echo command prints text to the screen, as well as the print command in the PHP language. cout to C, and so forth.

Then save with "Save as Type" with the name start.bat, and it's up to the location of my comrades, to make it easier (than in a register error ntar passable dlu lumped together a tutorial here bro ..) Here we take the example of the location of files stored in "C:\Windows"

step Two

Open Notepad and then type the following code:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor]

Then save with "Save as Type" to register.reg name, location also is up.

Looks like no described comrades already know what the intent of the above command (: hope:: P). What is important in order

"Autorun" = "C: \ WINDOWS \ start.bat"

Do not let the ONE location where the file / save your first step.

After all finished click 2x register.reg file, if no errors, Congratulations you have succeeded!

May be useful, there is less and more, error, critical suggestions, ideas, etc. Just comment. Or via email.



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